Mailing lists

The mailing list infrastructure run by isginf is based on Mailman and allows members and groups of the D-INFK to manage mailing lists themselves.

Address Format

The mail address for each lists is:


Each list also has a mail address {listname} which can be used to send mail to the mailing list owner.

Web Interface

The public web interface can be reached at

and provides a starting point and the list of all advertised mailing lists. For each list ({list_name}, the following direct URLs are also important:{list_name}/
Public list information with subscription management{listname}/
Public list archive (if enabled){list_name}/
Private list archive (if enabled){list_name}/
List administration interface

SPAM and Virus Filtering

All mails sent to the mailing lists are checked for SPAM and viruses. All SPAM and all mails containing viruses are discarded.

Mailman Documentation

The documentation for the Mailman system can be found on the Mailman website.

Obtaining a New Mailing List

To request a new list just contact your IT Coordinator or isginf and provide a list name and the following information:
  • Desired list name
  • Mail address of the list owner

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