Mailing Lists

The information provided here is for mailing list administrators.


Please log in to with the list name (everything before the @ mark of the list address), and your mailing list administrator password. Under Configuration, please review the filter settings and select an alternative mail address for the delivery of the reports. More details about MailCleaner can be found here.

SPAM Filter

Guidelines for configuring the MailCleaner SPAM filter for your mailing lists can be found here.

Important Settings

If you have just received your new mailing list then we recommend to look at least through the following options in the administrative interface to optimally configure your list:

General Options

Set the maximum allowed message size. Set to 0 to use the server limit which is 20MB.

Privacy options » Subscription rules

Advertise the list on or not.
Allow people to subscribe themselves or not.
Allow members or only the list owner to see who is registered.

Privacy options » Sender filters

Moderate messages from new members just accept them.
What to do with messages from non-members.

Privacy options » Recipient filters

How many To: and CC: can be in a posting before it gets held for moderation.

Bounce processing

Recommended value here is 180 and should only be lowered for lists with constantly high traffic.

Archiving Options

Select if the archive is public (whole world can read past posts) or private (access only for current list members).

Umbrella Lists

Umbrella lists are mailing lists that contain other mailing lists. These are tricky to configure right so we recommend to contact our service desk to set these up correctly.

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