
The Department of Computer Science uses the campus-wide mail service based on Microsoft Exchange Online provided by IT Services of ETH Zurich. isginf provides first-level support for the service to D-INFK members.

Mail Account

A mail account is required to both read and send mail. Your personal mail account is part of your ETH user account.

Access to the mail service always requires authentication using your ETH user name, ETH password for email and ETH MFA code.

Mail addresses policy

The following policy applies for mail addresses at D-INFK:

Professors, doctoral students, technical and administrative staff and
Guest and all others

New user accounts are automatically set up according to the above policy.

Web Interface

Mail can be easily read and composed with any modern web browser using the web interface located at

Mail Client Configuration

Setup instructions for various mail clients can be found in IT Services IT Knowledge Base.


All mailboxes have a mail quota, a limitation of the mailbox total size. You current quota and usage can be checked using these instructions.

Employees of ETH have a 50GB quota, all others, including students have 5GB.

Mail Size and Other Limits

Maximum message size depends on the client and is documented by Microsoft here.

A single user cannot send more than 10000 mails per day.


The full documentation and instructions provided by ITS is here.


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