
Three entities provide IT services and support for D-INFK members:

  • The IT Services of ETH Zurich (ITS) provide IT services for the whole ETH. For a few services, such as networking or active security monitoring, they have a monopoly and are the only providers. isginf mediates between ITS and research groups that need their services.
  • isginf is the main responsible for the central D-INFK IT infrastructure. We provide several services but also work together with research groups for custom solutions.
  • Some research groups have a professional IT specialist as IT Coordinator who assists with the special IT needs of the research group.

Usually, members of a research groups will ask their ITC for specific IT services or support. The ITC, in turn, will contact isginf if they cannot fulfil a request themselves.

isginf has a broad and flexible service portfolio that covers most of what the D-INFK research groups need. For other or new services isginf maintains a strong relation with ITS and can propose ITS services or work with them for a custom solution.


isginf is centrally funded by the Department of Computer Science. Research groups can use our services on a fair use basis. All our services are, in general, free for D-INFK members. We only bill for hardware cost or services that are provided by IT Services of ETH Zurich.

Office Hours

isginf staff are located in the CAB E floor during office hours. Our business hours are the same as of our service desk but individual staff are usually around between 07:30 and 18:00.

isginf does not have a 24-hour on-call service. Outside of office hours our team members work on best effort basis to help and fix issues.


The isginf directly reports to the Head of the Department of Computer Science.

Administrative Assistants


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