Server Rooms

Server rooms at ETH are managed by IT Services of ETH Zurich. isginf coordinates the used space in the server rooms assigned to the D-INFK. This space is also available to research groups to place their own servers or clusters.


Currently the D-INFK is present in the following server rooms:

Building Room NoteSorted descending
CAB CAB D 53.1 Rack-mountable servers only, for isginf and groups with special needs
CAB CAB D 56 Rack-mountable servers only, for hosted servers
LEE LEE A 206 Rack-mountable servers only, for hosted servers


Access to the server rooms is managed using the ETH card. To get permission fill out this form correctly and send it to (preferred as docx document).

To access the room hold you card on the number pad next to the respective doors, enter the PIN and press the E key.


A few rules apply in all server rooms:

  • No smoking, drinking or eating.
  • All unpacking must be done outside.
  • Network and power cabling must be orderly.
  • Clean up after doing work there.
  • Turn off the lights if you are the last to leave.
  • Do not touch computers or other systems that do not belong you.
  • Always log out from the console when you leave.


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