ETH User Account

Every member and student of ETH automatically obtains a IAM account. This account comes with a variety of services (Mailbox, VPN) and identities on different identity providers (Active Directory, LDAP, Radius). You can see the list of your services and configure some of them as shown below.

The following services are important for most users:


The IAM IT service role gives you an identity in the IAM LDAP directory. Many websites use LDAP for authentication.


This service is actually a bundle of individual services:


This service includes an identity on the Radius authentication server for all network related services such as WIFI, VPN, iPass, docking, etc.


Some IAM IT service roles have their own password:

The general policy requires the ETH network password to be different from all the others. The default is to use the same password for all other IAM IT service roles that have a password.

We recommend to use a password manager to store your ETH and private passwords.

Changing Your Passwords

You can change the passwords of your ETH user account at Login with your ETH user name and your current ETH password for web applications. Then choose Change password under Self Service. The password change wizard will guide you through the process.

If you have forgotten your password then please come to our service desk and bring your ETH card or another official identification document with you.

My Services

Service Expiration Date
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Under » meine Services you can change the configuration of various services:

E-Mail Spamfilter
Configure the SPAM filter for your mail service.
Configure access and email forwarding of the mail service.
Top up your prepaid account for printing and other services (for students only).

Also relevant are:

Specify your personal home page that will be displayed for
Set up WIFI access for guests of you that is valid six days.
Configure the salutation in letters and emails from ETH to you.

The other items only provide information.

Life Cycle

The ETH user account is created as soon as HR has completed the employment process or, in case of students, the student administration has completed matriculation. Information about your personal account including your login and initial password is sent to you by postal mail.

The ETH user account and all services will be deleted after your employment or studies at ETH end. You will be notified by mail notification by mail beforehand.

See Leaving ETH for more details.

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