CNB D 102 is a private lab with 37 computers. isginf operates the computers in the lab but not the research infrastructure or the other labs in the same wing.

A valid booking is required for using the workstation in this lab.


All computers are the same with the following specs:

  • i7-9700K CPU @ 3.60GHz
  • RTX 2080
  • 32GB RAM
  • 500GB SSD

Participating Research Groups

The lab is for exclusive use by students of the following research groups:

Access to the lab is managed by the administrative assistants of the participating research groups (see below).

Anybody who enters the lab must first sign the Lab Usage Agreement. The door to the lab must be kept closed at all times.

Booking and Using the Workstations

Information on everything starting with the reservation and ending with the student leaving the lab are all documented for all involved parties:


For technical support please contact our service desk

For administrative matters and access please contact the respective administrative assistant in the list below:

GroupSorted ascending Administrative Assistant
Prof. Gross, Markus Markus Portmann (
Prof. Pollefeys, Marc Ayse Johannes (
Prof. Sorkine-Hornung, Olga Danielle Luterbacher (
Prof. Tang, Siyu Danielle Luterbacher (

Current Bookings

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