
ETH operates and inventory system to manage its assets, including IT hardware. isginf maintains the inventory for the D-INFK.

It is implemented in ETHIS and its use is governed by the following regulations:

Adding Objects to the Inventory

Generally, all objects with an original purchasing value of CHF 10,000 must be added to the inventory. To keep track of items we also add desktop computers, laptops and servers to the inventory.

To add an object to the inventory please use the inventory request form.


ETH has rules that apply for accepting and dealing with donations:

The rules for the inventory above also apply for donations.

Lent Items

IT equipment that is only lent to organizations of ETH must be inventoried if it is on ETH premises for one year or longer.

Removing Objects from the Inventory

Inventoried items that are not at ETH anymore should be deleted from the inventory.


Removing items from the inventory is part of our hardware disposal service. Devices that were disposed directly can be reported using this online form.

Sale and Donation

Devices that are sold, donated or relinquished for free will be marked as sold or given away in the inventory as part of the process.

Periodic Inventory Controls

isginf is responsible for executing the periodic inventory controls done every three years. We will contact all ITCs with a list of objects.

Inventory Sticker

Devices that are inventoried have a sticker attached (typically to the back side) that indicates the inventory number (2150-...) and also the end of the warranty:

new sticker old sticker

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© 2025 Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich