Students are not associated automatically with a research group they are doing a project with. Anything a student prints is paid from the students free-pages or prepaid print account. In some cases a student should be able to print and have the group pay for the jobs:
- Students working on master's or bachelor's thesis.
- Student assistants hired for a research project.
For these cases any member of a research group can transfer a small amount to the students printing account. To do so follow the instructions below.
Transfer of Credits
Go to
and log in with your
ETH user name and
mail service password. The rest of the documentation here assumes you choose
English as language:

Transfers on the left side.

Enter the desired amount to transfer, the
ETH user name of the person to give it to and click
Best Practice
We suggest that the supervisor of a student in a research group initially gives CHF 5.00 which is enough for 330 double-sided, black and white pages.

You are transferring money from a central pool, not from your group budget. Please keep the amount low.