
Official ETH Website

For websites with an official touch such as institute or group websites we recommend to apply for an official ETH website from ETH Corporate Communications.


isginf manages the D-INFK Sharepoint site which also hosts the D-INFK intranet:

Authentication with an ETH user account and the mail password is required, access for external users is not possible. Authenticated users can only see what they are allowed to see.

ITCs can request sub sites for their research groups by contacting our service desk.


The isginf has run this website on TWiki for years and has developed a custom skin that mimics the corporate web design currently in use for official ETH websites such as www.ethz.ch or www.inf.ethz.ch.

Our iiTWiki (isginf TWiki) is available for use by all D-INFK research groups. ITCs can contact our service desk to order an instance. It is also available to ISGs of other departments at ETH for deployment at their department. Installation instructions are available.

Dedicated Server

For websites that cannot run on our web server cluster isginf also offers to install a dedicated server. typically a virtual machine, with the desired software stack.


For exchanging files with people both from ETH and external, we recommend to use polybox.ethz.ch. All students and members can put up to 50GB there. ITS has its own service description containing more details.

Page URL: https://isg.inf.ethz.ch/bin/view/Main/ServicesWebOther
© 2025 Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich