Known Issues

When I plug in the network cable, macOS asks for authentication

Please follow these instructions to fix the issue.

When I plug in the network cable I do not get a network connection immediately

It can take up to 15 second until a network plug is configured and DHCP has given out an IP address to a device that is freshly plugged in.

Problems to connect the ETH WLAN ssid eduroam

When you have problems to connect your device to the ETH WLAN ssid eduroam, sometimes this website helps:

Problems with ETH WLAN

When you have problems with the ETH WLAN, we recommend to contact the Informatikdienste support .

The support needs the answers to the following questions:
  • decription of the problem?
  • where and when does the problem occur?
  • with which account do you try to connect?
  • WLAN SSID? eduroam or eth-visitors or eth-iot
  • operating system of the device?
  • MAC address of the WLAN-Adapter?

When you have access to the Netcenter, you make a ticket by filling in this form.

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