For Students

If you are a student who has been assigned a workstation in CAB E 81 then read the below carefully.


Please behave adequately when you work in this room:

  • Be quiet and do not disturb your fellow students.
  • Use only your desk and computer.
  • Keep your stuff at your desk.
  • Keep your workstation and surrounding orderly.
  • Close the windows and the door if you are the last person to leave the room.

Locker Box

Each workstation comes with a locker box. The locker boxes are numbered, only use the locker box with the same number as your workstation.

Please bring your own lock. Once your project is done, empty the locker box and leave it open for the next student. If you find the locker box already locked when you start your project in this room, please contact our service desk.

isginf reserves the right to break and destroy any locks that remain after the reservation of a workstation has ended.

Before You Start

You will receive a reminder e-mail for the reservation of your workstation containing a link. Open the link and confirm the reservation by agreeing to the terms on the linked page.

If you have not received this mail, please contact your assistant.

When You Start

The computer needs to be installed first before you can use it, the previous installation is not usable by you. Please also read the information on using the computer for more details.

Be aware of the exact end date of your booking and add it to your personal calendar. You can use the workstation until then.

When You Finish

When the thesis is finished it is your responsibility to clean up:

  • Return any borrowed equipment to the research group.
  • Empty the locker box if you used it and take away the lock.
  • Throw away your garbage.
  • Take all personal belongings with you.
  • Leave the desk and computer as you found it.

When your project is finished all relevant data on the computer must be given to the assistant. The compute rwill be re-installed for the next student and all data will be lost.

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