For Assistants

If you have a student that needs a desk with a computer for a masters thesis the ITC of your group can book a workstation. You can check if a seat is generally available during the time of the thesis of your student.

A valid booking for a workstation is required to use a workstation in this lab.


  • Only students doing a master thesis at D-INFK may be placed in this room.
  • Only students who need a desk and a fixed computer for the whole duration of their project may be placed in the room.
  • Research groups who have their own labs (e.g. Visual Computing) should first place students there.
  • A workstation cannot be shared among several students.
  • A reservation should not start or end at some random date. Please use the official start date of the thesis as start date for the reservation. For the end date add a week at most to the official end date to give the student the opportunity to clean up and hand in all files.


Your Responsibilities

You must ensure that any data on the computer is collected and given to you before the reservation ends. The computer will be reinstalled at the end of the reservation and all local data is lost.


Seats can be booked by IT Coordinators. You will need to provide the following information:

  • ETH user name of the student (see below if unknown)
  • operating system needed for the installation (see below)
  • project description (optional)

Operating System

The computer can be reinstalled via

by the student any time during the reservation. The following managed operating systems are available:

  • Windows
  • Ubuntu

By default only the student and you will be able to log in to the installed computer for the duration of the thesis.

Custom Operating System

A custom Ubuntu installation is available. Please be aware that the student must be capable to manage the operating system for the duration of the thesis.

The instructions for the student are here. You will have to sign the agreement to acknowledge the dangers.

Administrator or root Rights

The same process as for a custom operating system needs to be followed if the student requires Administrator or root rights on a managed operating system.

Booking for Students not yet at ETH

If your student does not yet have an ETH user account then your ITC will register you as student. You will receive important notifications that are intended for the student and are expected to forward them to the student.

When the student get the ETH user account then please contact our service desk to update the booking information.

If the reservation starts before the ETH user name of the real student is registered, the student will not be able to log in to computer.

Extending Bookings

Bookings can be extended if the workstation is not booked again for a different student right after your reservation ends. Bookings can also only be extended for a few days unless the master thesis is officially extended.

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